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Article III: Membership

3.01 Membership shall be open to (1) all registered Democrats or (2) persons who, if not registered Democrats, declare their intent to register as Democrats. Members must reside, work, or represent West Sacramento, and live in California.

3.02 Individuals shall become active members of the Club upon payment of the prescribed dues annually, then and attendance  of one (1) club activity general membership meeting or two (2) club activities. There shall be no limit to the number of members. After attending one (1) general meeting or two (2) club activities, new active members of the Club shall have:

  1. the right to vote,

  2. to make and debate motions brought before the membership, and

  3. to be elected as officers of the Club as provided in Article IV.


3.03 Membership dues shall be assessed for all members during initial membership, and renewed annually during the Club’s Annual Meeting, as defined in section 5.03. Any member more than three months behind in paying his or her annual dues shall lose their membership status. Dues may only be paid from a personal account; the use of funds from a business, political, union, or other organization to pay membership dues is prohibited. Dues must be paid by individual holding membership. Those facing economic hardship, or legal impediment, may request for the dues to be waived by writing/emailing the Club’s Executive Board.


3.04 A “member in good standing” is defined as a member who is considered active and current dues are paid or have been waived. Members that are suspended, on probation, or serving out a discipline for any reason shall not be considered in "good standing".

3.05 Only members in good standing as of a date announced by the State Chair of the year preceding CADEM’s pre-endorsement conferences shall be included in the organization’s roster of members for purposes of the CADEM’s endorsement process.

3.06 The status of members of the organization pursuant to the preceding two sections shall be certified by the Club’s President, Secretary or Treasurer.

3.07 The Club’s representative to any particular CADEM pre-endorsement conference shall be from the list above and the overall list of representatives to all conferences shall be equally selected at a duly-noticed meeting of the organization, affirmed by a vote of those members in good standing in attendance and voting.

3.08 Members may be suspended or expelled for cause by a unanimous vote of the Executive Board for the following reasons:

  1. Disregard for or abuse of these bylaws and/or standing rules and regulations of the Club;

  2. Interference with the authorized activities of the Executive Board, officers, committees of this Club, or the Democratic Party;

  3. Using their position as a member of this Club to advocate against the election of the endorsed Democratic nominee for any partisan office.


3.09 The Club will follow the California Democratic Party Code of Conduct which shall establish clear guidelines for its members and will be posted to the club’s website.

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